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A sharp reduction in demand has caused some Chinese factories to slow down production as the world rights itself from the breakneck pandemic shopping pace. A deep slump in China’s trade statistics comes as a warning to the world already trying to cope with plummeting rates and an about-face of record-breaking exports to the US. In the worst month of Chinese exports since February 2020, the new normal of the pandemic is now entering uncharted territory. 


According to a recent article from Investopedia, the demand for Chinese goods has fallen dramatically in recent months. One of the ways that companies in the United States have been able to mitigate the impact of China’s economic slowdown is by using near-shoring and ally-shoring options. 


Near-shoring involves moving production or sourcing closer to the end market, which can help to reduce lead times and improve responsiveness to changing market conditions. This can be especially useful in the current environment, where demand for certain goods may fluctuate rapidly. Ally-shoring moves production to closer areas that have a favorable trade relationship with the US that benefits both countries and manufacturers. Both options become more favorable in the long term as benefits outweigh the costs of the change.


In addition to near-shoring, many companies are also turning to domestic logistics to improve their supply chain resilience. By using domestic transportation and warehousing, companies can reduce their dependence on international shipping and avoid potential disruptions. This can help to ensure that goods are delivered on time and in the correct quantities, which can be critical for maintaining customer satisfaction.


Overall, China’s economic slowdown has had a significant impact on the global supply chain. However, by utilizing near-shoring and domestic logistics solutions, Edward J. Zarach & Associates can help you create resilience in your supply chains and continue to meet the needs of customers despite the disruptions of the season.